Seeking Summer Water/Gatorade/Powerade Donations
By Lieutenant Kyle Wise
May 27, 2024

Duncannon Fire Company is currently seeking donations of Water/Gatorade/Powerade for the Summer months. This will help ensure our members are staying hydrated throughout the hot days when operating on incidents.

To make a donation, you may do any of the following:
- Private message the page to schedule a drop off
- Drop off items infront of a door at either station
- Mail a gift card/cash/check to our P.O. Box with a letter specifying drink donation and we will go make the purchase
- Make a donation on our square website link

P.O. Box 6, Duncannon Pa 17020
Station 1 - 101 Cumberland St, Duncannon Pa
Station 2 - 423 New Bloomfield Rd, Duncannon Pa

We graciously thank you for your support of our 100% volunteer organization!

Hyperlinks: Square Site Donations